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Taxes and Taxation
Grundel L.P. (2016). Modernization of the Residency Criteria for Functional Analysis of Companies. Taxes and Taxation, 8, 593–599.
Grundel L.P. Modernization of the Residency Criteria for Functional Analysis of CompaniesAbstract: The subject of the present research is the estimation of the criteria defining characteristics of the tax residency of companies. The object of the research is the principles for determining tax residency of companies. The author of the article also underlines that tax residency is one of the fundamental concepts in the construction of the tax system and the common methodological platform for building and formalization of relations of subjects of foreign economic activity with different tax jurisdictions. Thus, the legal regulation is aimed at establishing residency subject composition and status of entities. The guidelines for determining tax residence companies involve (1) the place of incorporation, (2) the center of management and control, (3) the place of management; and (4) the place of effective management. The article describes the features of the principles determining tax residency. The place of incorporation is included as the last criterion for determining tax residency in case of failure of the preceding tests. Using econometric and statistical methods, in his research Grundel analyzes theoretical developments of the current legislation set forth by tax administrations of foreign countries, particularly the establishment of the basic principles of determining the residency of companies. In terms of the manipulation for multinational companies it is difficult to move all the factors influencing the determination of residency jurisdiction in the country with the low tax burden. The author concludes that it is necessary to use the conflict rules for determining the country of residency for physical entities as in the case with legal entities. The provisions set forth by the OECD Model Tax Convention for legal entities should be transferred to the obligation to determine the residency of physical entities. Keywords: place of management, place of incorporation, Model Tax Convention, functional analysis, center of vital interests, residency criteria, principles of residency, international taxation, place of effective management, transfer pricing
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