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Taxes and Taxation
Bryantseva L.V., Orobinskaya I.V., Polozova A.N., Maslova I.N.
Principles of Developing Corporate Tax Accounting Policy
// Taxes and Taxation.
2016. ¹ 7.
P. 537-541.
Bryantseva L.V., Orobinskaya I.V., Polozova A.N., Maslova I.N. Principles of Developing Corporate Tax Accounting PolicyAbstract: The subject of the research is the economic relations arising in the process of tax accounting of corporate fiscal effects. According to the authors, it is necessary to acknowledge the independent rights of accounting and fiscal (tax) accounting. It should be also noted that tax accounting is aimed at providing relevant information for both consumers and state authorities. The main objective of the accounting policy for taxation purposes should be to create an adequate system of tax accounting which would consider technological parameters of an enterprise. The methodological basis of the research implies fundamental concepts represented in Russian and foreign researches, legislative and regulatory acts of state authorities, federal laws, Decrees of the President and Government Resolutions as well as materials of research and practice conferences. In their research the authors have applied abstract-logical, monographic, statistical-economic and other methods of economic research. The main conclusions of the research provide an overview of tax accounting policy based on the two aspects. On the one hand, it is a system of tax accounting methods applied by an enterprise, on the other hand, it is a document containing the desciption of this system. This creates alternative versions of tax accounting and the need to choose particular methodological approaches to accounting process. The authors describe the main principles of developing tax accounting policy such as the accounting continuity and the accrual principle (temporarily determined business operation items). Keywords: tax subjects, accounting policy, tax control, principles, accounting, tax accounting, taxation, tax code, profit tax, fiscal effect
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