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Administrative and municipal law

Kosinov V.A. Market competition protection by local authorities in Russia

Abstract: The research subject is the system of legal norms and institutions regulating market competition on the local level in Russia. The research object includes social relations emerging in the sphere of economic activity between economic entities and local authorities. The author considers the basic categories of the competition legislation. Theoretical conclusions of the study form a complex understanding of the constitutional and municipal regulation of competition in Russia and lay the groundwork for its further studying. The research methodology is based on general scientific and specific methods of social processes cognition. The author applies the system-structural, comparative-legal, historical, logical and formal-legal approaches. They help study the problem in interconnection, integrity, objectively and comprehensively. The author uses the principle of unity of theory and practice, analyzes the legal principles in interconnection with economic, political and other social relations. The author analyzes the legislation, regulating the authorities of local governments in the sphere of entrepreneurship, reveals the drawbacks of legal regulation in this sphere, and offers the possible directions of broadening of powers of local governments in the sphere of competition protection. In the author’s opinion, it is necessary to grant more autonomy to local governments in the sphere of competition protection by means of the subsidiarity principle in the distribution of authorities. 


constitutional guaranteeing, constitutional regulation, municipal institutions, local budget, entrepreneurship, local authorities, subsidiarity principle, municipal law, reforming, market competition

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