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Administrative and municipal law
Zanko T.A. (2016). On the issue of changing the procedure of granting vacation to federal public servants. Administrative and municipal law, 7, 555–558.
Zanko T.A. On the issue of changing the procedure of granting vacation to federal public servantsAbstract: The article analyzes the changes in the legislation on public service related to the procedure of grating and the terms of annual vacation in the context of adoption of the Federal Law No 176 of 2 June 2016 “On amending the articles 45 and 46 of the Federal law “On public service in the Russian Federation”. The author studies not only the prerequisites of adoption of this law, but also the process of its discussion and adoption, and the consequences of its application. The author uses historical and formal legal methods which ensure the complex study of the evolution of the legislation on public service related to the conditions of annual vacations granting. The author reveals the peculiarities of changes of legal regulation of the process of public service, particularly, the version of the article 46, part 3 of the Federal Law No 79, establishing the common length of an annual paid basic leave – 30 calendar days, instead of the former differentiated approach. The author ascertains that the changes relating to an additional leave for a non-standard work day are conditioned by the necessity to introduce a legislative restriction of its length and to avoid the possibility of establishing excessively long terms of the additional leave for a non-standard work day by means of regulatory lawmaking. Keywords: public service system, public service reform, legal regulation, official schedule, social guarantees, non-standard work day, paid leave, public service, civil service, legislative process
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