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Philosophy and Culture

Gur'yanova M.V. The mask of fashion: analysis of the fashion phenomenon in comparison with the notion mask

Abstract: One of the principal designations of a theatrical mask consisted in formation of the image of human identity, in development of which we can observe several staged by following the historical typology of masks. Due to this fact, one of the main functions of the Western European fashion in its conception was the reflection of social status in clothing; thus emerges a hypothesis on a possible borrowing in fashion of the mechanism of formation of identity determined by the mask. Such parallel becomes possible due to the role played by clothes in establishment of the individual image in social space, which turns out to be the next step after the formed by a mask human identity. Based on a similar in many aspects function realized by both, a mask, and later by fashion, the author makes an attempt to implement a historical typology of mast towards the phenomenon of fashion for clarification of the role of Western European fashion in Medieval Times – a historical period, when an individual has completely become established as a self-sufficient means of human identity, by questioning the means through which he can be presented in social space. Namely the mechanisms of representation of an individual in social field are granted by fashion, via borrowing the instruments revealed by a mask. Because of the fact that the means of expression of an individual in Medieval Times are endowed rather with the features of marginal and transgressive phenomenon, the fashion, using the means provided by the archetype of mask and historically emerged as a way of identification of social groups, proves itself primarily as a phenomenon of social identity.


vestimentary code, individual, zoomorphism, social identity, transgression, mask, Middle Ages, fashion, social structure, identity

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