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Philosophy and Culture

Il'in A.N. Individualism and political apathy in the conditions of consumer culture

Abstract: Abstract. The culture of consumption in recent years has become the dominant type of culture in Russia and in Western countries. Accordingly, it is the object of study of sociologists and philosophers. Culturologists, psychologists. However, so far not established a unified theory of consumerism and not understood that a wide array of risks and threats to humans and society, which are the result of the spread of consumer culture. The problem of the article is associated with the comprehension of values impact of consumerism on the rise of individualism and the weakening of political activity. This influence is the subject of the research. As a theoretical-methodological basis of the study used the theory of the sociology of consumption, philosophy of culture and social philosophy of modern Russian and foreign authors. Scientific novelty is expressed in the following provisions. Social atomization and de-politicization associated with an increase in consumer values. The consumer is limited to interests that relate to his personal life. Is rejection of membership in the unifying political General. Place moral obligations, social relations is autonomy. The culture of consumption performs a call to an individual activity but a social inaction. The deconsolidation and individualization are associated with the loss of ideological, political and civil installations. The permanent revolution of individualism, expressed in the relevant changes of culture and values, eliminates political activism, political discourse displaces from consciousness. Global social projects and metanarratives prefer micronarrative and microprojects personal fate. "Social person" gives way to the "individual person", a politically active citizen surrenders to consumers, civil society – in front of the consumer. When the deconsolidation becomes widespread, there is a paradoxical phenomenon of "social exclusion of the majority".


atomization, solidarity, individualism, consumer society, deconsolidation, political apathy, consumer culture, micronarrative, value orientation, project

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