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Administrative and municipal law

Kozhevnikov O.A. Regulation of control and supervision over the work of local authorities and officials (the constitutional and sectoral aspect)

Abstract: The research subject is the analysis of the statutory base of government control (supervision) implementation by the authorized bodies of state power. This sphere of public administration unfairly lacks attention of the prosecution bodies of the Russian Federation carrying out supervision over the legality of the control (supervision) of the authorized bodies of state power over local authorities and their officials. The established judicial practice neither furthers the uniform interpretation of the order of implementation of the article 77 of the Federal Law of 06.10.2003 No 131. The author applies the set of methods: the system, comparative-legal, statistical, formal-logical and others. The author detects the unfair attempts of particular bodies of state power, authorized in the sphere of control and supervision, to exclude the profile form of control and supervision from the scope of the article 77 of the Federal law of 6.10.2003 No 131 “On the fundamentals of organization of local authorities in the Russian Federation”.


the European Charter, subordinate rulemaking, judicial practice, officials, local authorities, The Constitution of the Russian Federation, government control, protection of local self-government, presidential commission

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