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National Security
Balynin I.V. (2016). Integral index of demographic development of the Russian regions: theoretical aspects and practical implementation. National Security, 3, 381–389.
Balynin I.V. Integral index of demographic development of the Russian regions: theoretical aspects and practical implementationAbstract: The object of the study is the demographic policy as an important factor of the national security. The subject of the study is the demographic situation in the Russian Federation.The author examines in detail the demographic situation in the whole of the Russian Federation and in the regional context, the role of the mother justifies the capital as a method of improving the demographic situation in the Russian Federation.Particular attention is paid to the calculation of the integral index of the demographic development of the regions on the basis of the proposed methodology, developed taking into account the guidelines in the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 07.05.2012, and the concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period till 2020, Concept of the State Family Policy in the Russian Federation until 2025 and the Concept of Demographic Policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025.The methodological basis is based on scientific methods, and in the special (financial, economic and statistics), as well as the principles of consistency and objectivity.The novelty of the study is the author of the proposed methodology for calculating the integral index of the demographic development of the Russian Federation to assess the demographic situation in the Russian regions.The practical significance of the research results is the possibility of their use for making concrete decisions on the modernization of social and economic processes of public authorities, as well as the use of student and faculty community in the educational process in higher and secondary special educational institutions. Keywords: regional development, maternal capital, population policy, national security, indexes, demographic situation, regions, demography, quality of life, lifetime
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