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National Security
Begak M.V., Kodolova A.V., Pavlova M.V. (2016). Institutionalization of environmental safety and its support. National Security, 3, 309–318.
Begak M.V., Kodolova A.V., Pavlova M.V. Institutionalization of environmental safety and its supportAbstract: The subject of this research is the development of strategies of ecological security of the Russian Federation, and the object of this study is the Environmental Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2025, witin the the framework of the state program "Environmental Protection" for 2012 - 2020. The authors carefully examine such topics as the difference between the concepts of "environment" and "environmental security". Particular attention is paid to the definition of "environmental security" as a public institution that guarantees the prevention of unacceptable risks and harm to the environment and human health caused by environmental factors. Considered tools to ensure environmental safety of the country. The research methodology is based on an analysis of scientific papers of leading specialists in the field of ecological safety and environmental protection. Key findings of the study allowed us to formulate a new definition of environmental safety as some institutions providing prevention of environmental risk and as a consequence, harm. Because the risk is primary in relation to the harm can be defined as: Environmental security - a public institution that guarantees the prevention of unacceptable risks and harm to the environment and human health caused by environmental factors. Keywords: zero environmental risk, protection of the health of ecosystems, security strategy, improve safety, public institution, best available technology, environmental protection, environmental safety, self-regulating ecosystems, prevention of environmental risks
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