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International Law and International Organizations
Varavenko V.E. (2016). The work of the International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC) on development of the standard contracts as a mechanism of convergence of the international legal systems. International Law and International Organizations, 2, 231–237.
Varavenko V.E. The work of the International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC) on development of the standard contracts as a mechanism of convergence of the international legal systemsAbstract: The object of this research is the organization and work of the International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC) on creation and support of the professional standards in the area of engineering construction activity, including the establishment of norms and rules of professional ethics, principles of sustainable development, etc. The subject of this research is the work of the International Federation of Consulting Engineers on creation of standard contracts for performance of work and provision of services in the area of international investment construction projects, which represent generalization of business practices. The main conclusion consists in the fact that the work of FIDIC on systematization of business practices used in the field of investment construction activity is not a unification or harmonization of law, but rather represents a special, independent mechanism of converging national legal systems. Keywords: Representation contract, Partnership contract, Service contract, Construction contract, Investment construction activity, Standard contracts, Business practices, Harmonization of law, Unification of law, FIDIC
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