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Psychology and Psychotechnics
Sviridchenkova T.A. (2016). Emotions and Color Images in Children's Dreams. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 281–289.
Sviridchenkova T.A. Emotions and Color Images in Children's DreamsAbstract: The subject of the research is the relationship between emotional states (fear, anxiety, pleasure, satisfaction) experienced while dreaming, the main functions of dreams (protection, compensation and adaptation) and secondary images presented as a certain color in baby dreams. The object of the research is children from five to seven years old. The author of the article examines such topics as the impact of color on mental, psychological and physiological states of human; dreaming and its functions; dreamed images as the secondary images indicating neurotic condition. Special attention is paid to a particular color image appearing in children's dreams, relation of this color image to the dreamer's emotional state and color image as a sign of a psychological problem. In her research Sviridchenkova has used such research methods as survey, analysis and comparison. To define and validate statistically significant differences between appearances of a particular color in scary and pleasant dreams the researcher has used the Student's t-criterion. The results of the research demonstrate that there is a relationship between emotional states (fear, anxiety, pleasure, satisfaction) experienced by a dreamer and secondary images presented by a particular color in dreams. The researcher describes the dominating color images typical for scary children's dreams and color images typical for pleasant dreams seen by a child. The results of the research can be used for early diagnostics and prevention of neurotic states that haven't formed clinical symptoms yet but can be already found in dreams as color images of a particular color. Keywords: gratification, anxiety, fear, emotions, neurotic state, secondary image, dreaming function, pleasure, color image
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