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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Khudyakov A.I., Mashoshina A.A. Features of the Subjective Picture of Life Path Demonstrated by Technical and Medical Specialists

Abstract: The present research is aimed at studying features of the Subjective Picture of Life Path demonstrated by technical and medical specialists for the purpose of further development of this Picture. According to the author, the Subjective Picture of Life Path plays an important role in the way an individual manages his or her life. The Picture helps us to understand our life better and thus lead it according to our targets, opportunities and values. It is very important to take into account one's profession when we speak of the development of the Subject Picture of Life Path. The author views the SPLP from the point of view of the target-means concept. Technical and medical researchers participated in the study. To study featurs of the SPLP, the authors have used the Causometrics Inventory offered by A. Kronik and the biographical inquiry method. As a result, the authors have found out that the psychological age of technicians is closer to their biological age and they are more motivated to live in the present than medics. Meanwhile, medics are more likely to express opinionated and judgmental attitudes towards probable connections between events and less likely to change their profession throughout life. 


biographical method, speciality, life project, target-means connections, confidence, proneness to conflict, life plans, life circumstances, causometrics, Subjective Picture of Life Path (SPLP)

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