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Taxes and Taxation

Savina O.N., Sidel'nikov A.R. Tax Incentives for Import Substitution in Agriculture

Abstract: The subject of the research is the agricultural industry tax incentives under existing tax laws. According to the authors, today's fiscal instruments are insufficient to perform their functions while it is well known that the entire economy depends on the system of taxation applied to the agricultural sector. Taxation, investment, and import substitution are the areas that today are most exposed to the close attention and active intervention of the government. In turn, public policy in these areas has a direct impact on the real sector of the economy, one of the fundamental industries of which is agriculture. Important factor in the development and implementation of ideas of import substitution in tactical and strategic context is the sustainable development of the Russian economy under the impact of investment and innovative commitment to public policy. Events of recent years indicate a change in approaches to solving the problems of development of the agricultural sector. Agricultural issues are converted into national and food security of the country. The authors consider such aspects of the topic as implementation of import substitution tasks, increasing investments in agricultural holdings which is impossible without interference with taxation. Increasing the attractiveness of taxation terms for business entities is a powerful mechanism for raising investments into various projects and allows to increase the number of taxpayers and the quality of their products. Particular attention is given to the special tax regime 'unified agricultural tax' and the problems of implementing this tax regime  in the context of the need for import substitution. The authors of the article offer measures aimed at improving particular provisions of tax legislation for enterprises paying the unitifed agricultural tax including application of the investment tax credit. In addition, the authors have analyzed the other approach to calculating the tax rate for the unified agricultural tax and proved the efficiency of this approach. The main emphasis is made on the intergrated approach to using tax instruments in the agricultural sector.   


small business, medium business, tax incentives, agricultural sector, single agricultural tax, financial instability, investment, agriculture, import substitution, taxation

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