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Software systems and computational methods

Klishin G.Yu., Filatov V.N. Information-measuring system for ergometric tests of flight personnel

Abstract: The subject of research is the development of intelligent information and measuring systems for ergometric testing the flight personnel of maneuverable aircraft. The authors reviews the technical and ergonomic requirements for the modernization of an isometric exerciser for leg muscles and abdominals used in ground training of flight crews to the conditions of the flight and maneuvers and for the medical-flight examination. The above requirements are implemented in the hardware-software complex for ergometric testing which is a special information-measuring system essential for the safety of maneuvering flight. The following methods were used in the study: methods of systems analysis, software engineering, designing software and hardware for medical purposes, the theory of reliability, aviation cybernetics. The main conclusion of the study is in formulating a set of reasonable engineering solutions for creating an intelligent information and measuring system for ergometric tests of flight personnel of maneuverable aircraft. The proposed solutions were formulated considering the needs of the practice of aviation medicine  and combine the latest achievements in the field of medical equipment, aviation medicine and software engineering, and, as shown by experimental testing, meet the needs of the practice.


automation of medical examinations, flight safety, hardware and software system, ergatic system, aviation ergonomics, intelligent medical systems, maneuverable flight, medical-flight examination, software engineering, information-measuring system

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