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Software systems and computational methods

Afonderkin S.Yu., Gayazov S.E., Ignatov F.V. The use of distributed processing for data quality control in CMD-3 detector.

Abstract: CMD-3 – a particle detector, running on electron-positron collider VEPP-2000 in the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics. In order to ensure the final quality control of recorded data and diagnosis of faults in the subsystems of a detector a full reconstruction of events is performed by software developed by CMD-3 collaboration. Depending on the luminosity of the collider up to 1500 events per second can be detected, which is 30 times higher than the average speed of its processing by a single process. In order to improve the efficiency of data collection and detector system as a whole, the speed of reconstruction was increased using multiple distribution processing processes to keep up with the values arising at peak luminosity. The article provides an overview of systems for data collection and processing of the detector and also describes the architecture of a distributed version of the software reconstruction of the events recorded by the detector. To find the best architectural solution methods of system analysis and structural decomposition components of data collection and processing systems were used, resulting in a proposed solution that implements a pattern of "pipes and filters". A methodology of imperative parallel programming has been applied. Modules for the transfer of necessary data processing between processes were added to the application. The implemented system can handle events with the speed of recording, which provides information on the integral characteristics of the complex, and allows responding to malfunctions in the electronics and software of the detector in real time.


reconstruction of the events of the detector, rapid analysis, accelerating complex, data analysis, distributed system, increasing the speed of data processing, CMD-3, distributed processing, data processing, quality control

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