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Culture and Art
Frolova N.L. (2016). The Contemporary Repertoire Theatre: Problems and Future Development. Culture and Art, 3, 379–385.
Frolova N.L. The Contemporary Repertoire Theatre: Problems and Future DevelopmentAbstract: The subject of the present research is the model of the repertoire theatre in terms of changes that have taken place over the past decade in the legal, economic, social, cultural and artistic environment of our country. The author of the article sets a goal to carry out the integrated analysis of the situation which predetermined the existence of the repertoire theatre as well as to analyze directions for its future development. The article touches upon legislative initiatives and results of their implementation leading to tranformation of their institutional arrangements. In addition, the author also focuses on the theatres' attempts to win a new socio-cultural status instead of the lost role of the theatre as the temple or faculty. Creative life is viewed by the author from the point of view of the Russian theatre's integration into the global development of the theatre as well as considering changes in Russia's state cultural policy. In terms of methodology, the research is based on the analysis of the four aspects of the adaptation of the repertoire theatre to modern economic, social, cultural and artistic conditions. In conclusion, the author generalizes conclusions for each aspect. According to the author, dynamic changes in the sphere of culture in our country create the need to constantly reflect on what's happening. The present research helps to fix the main trends in the modern theatre process and offer ways for its future development. The main conclusions of the research are the following: there is a need to review the existing federal and regional laws and make them fairer towards the sphere of culture. Professional community should also struggle to create the multichannel system of supporting arts, strengthen communicative and educative functions of the theatre contributing to raising and extending the theatre audience as well as develop the favorable competition between conventional and innovative movements in the theatre art. Keywords: multicultural centre, director, theatre manager, targeted financing, postdramatic theatre, performativity, cultural policy, repertoire theatre, artictic director, theatre art
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