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Culture and Art
Popov E.A. (2016). Advantages and Disadvantages of Application of Integrated Methodology to Art Research. Culture and Art, 3, 352–359.
Popov E.A. Advantages and Disadvantages of Application of Integrated Methodology to Art ResearchAbstract: The main purpose of the present research article is to summarize methodological peculiarities of art research. The author's approach to the topic has allowed to describe destructive and constructive aspects of defining methodological grounds for studying art and artistic forms from the scientific point of view. According to the author, the main problem is the unreasoned application of the so-called integrated approach and analysis. Not all researchers can handle this approach so their researches have methodological gaps. On the other hand, the author emphasizes the crucial role of the interdisciplinary approach in studying the phenomenon of art. The methodological basis of the research is defined by the systems analysis of arts in the human life and society. The main conclusions of the research are the following: 1) Reasoned and adequate application of the integrated approach and analysis is very important for studying the phenomenon of art. The idea of art studies as a plain combination of research methods and/or techniques makes it much easier to achieve the research objectives. 2) Interdisciplinary approach has certain advantages, however, important rules are to be observed in order to avoid the risk of obtaining declarative or invalid results. Keywords: interdisciplinarity, science, methodology, art, cognition, integration of sciences, values, philosophy, society, culture
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