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Shapinskaya E.N. (2016). Mass Culture as the Dominant Feature of the Slocio-Cultural Context of (Post)Modern Russia: Reflections on the Books “Codes of Mass Culture” and “Russian Discourse on Mass Culture”. Culture and Art, 3, 330–338.
Shapinskaya E.N. Mass Culture as the Dominant Feature of the Slocio-Cultural Context of (Post)Modern Russia: Reflections on the Books “Codes of Mass Culture” and “Russian Discourse on Mass Culture”Abstract: The subject of the present research article is the analysis of the books devoted to Russian mass culture and published by scientists and educators from Yaroslavl. These books complete each other as a monograph and a text book, which is very important considering today's approximation of academic and university sciences. In her research Shapinskaya examines various aspects of mass culture represented both in theories and cultural practices and analyzes the authors' contribution to the shere of concepts of Russian mass culture. The results of the research have been regarded to be a valuable contribution to the development of cultural research. To analyze the aforesaid books, the author has used the method of discourse analysis as well as the descriptive method when describing different aspects of the monograph and text book. Despite the fact that there is quite a number of academic works on mass culture, partiuclar aspects of mass culture have not been thoroughly studied. By analyzing these books written by Yaroslavl scientists, the author includes them in the cultural discourse. Special attention is paid to the importance of the authors' cultural experience reflected in these books. The authors give examples not only from the cultural life in general but also from the life of the Russian province where the distribution processes and the nature of mass culture have their peculiarities. Keywords: cultural practices, education, values, aesthetics, globalisation, discourse, study guide, monograph, research, mass culture
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