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Trends and management
Klimova N.P., Dergun L.V. (2016). Assessment of the efficiency of financial management of the fixed capital. Trends and management, 2, 186–193.
Klimova N.P., Dergun L.V. Assessment of the efficiency of financial management of the fixed capitalAbstract: The subject of this research is the quality of the fixed capital of industrial enterprises and its relation to the financial state of the company. The goal of this research is to devise a methodological toolset for assessment of efficiency of financial management of the fixed capital in the conditions of industrial modernization of the Republic of Belarus. For the purposes of efficient management of the fixed capital in the process of its reproduction it is necessary to justify a complex of indexes, calculation of which will allow objective evaluation of the need for additional investments into the fixed capital, as well as determine the sources of its financing in order to prevent deterioration of the structure of accounting balance, and thus – the financial state. The practical importance of the research results is substantiated by the fact that implementation of the devised methodologies and algorithms in the practice of business administration will help increase efficiency of management of the fixed capital and will contribute to improvement of the financial state. The authors offer a methodology for determining the efficiency in management of the modernization policy based on the comparison of the integral index of the quality of the fixed capital and the integral index of financial state. Keywords: Fixed capital, Financial stability, Financial state, Modernization efficiency, Fixed capital quality, Efficiency assessment, Financial mechanism, Investments, Belarus, Modernization
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