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Philosophy and Culture
Zlotnikova T.S. (2016). There, beyond nowhere, beyond its boundaries (an attempt of dialogue with the philosophers). Philosophy and Culture, 4, 603–611.
Zlotnikova T.S. There, beyond nowhere, beyond its boundaries (an attempt of dialogue with the philosophers)Abstract: This article is dedicated to the extraordinary scientific being – the emergence of the monograph that united the leading Russian and foreign philosophers, who were first to enunciate the multifaceted, at timed discussion approach towards interdisciplinarity as a problem, trend, and methodological principle. Attention is given to the rights and abilities of mental activity, understanding of science in the modern world, philosophy – in science, as well as interdisciplinarity – in philosophy. The author also focuses attention on interdisciplinarity in the fundamental and applied aspects. In dialogue with the authors of the monograph, a number of principally important questions for study and implementation of interdisciplinarity is being discussed. The conclusion is made that the novelty of the problems solved in the monograph, and the reference to the problem of interdisciplinarity itself, empowers the philosophers, creates the atmosphere of intellectual freedom and friendly mutual understanding in the book. Productive for the philosophical and culturological knowledge we consider the idea of scientific pluralism, responsible and delicate treatment of the conceptual apparatus (discourse, paradigm, communication, activity), which suggests multiple original interpretations of the notion “interdisciplinarity” (the idea of integrity, conceptual space). Keywords: Integrity, Activity, Communication, Paradigm, Discourse, Terminology, Methodology, Science, Philosophy, Interdisciplinarity
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