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Philosophy and Culture

Shugurov M.V. The phenomenon of philosophical legal knowledge: prospects of cognition

Abstract: The subject of this research is the nature and specificity of the philosophical legal knowledge. The author comprehensively examines this knowledge through the prism of determination of the disciplinary status of the philosophy of law, its place among other scientific disciplines studying law. Special attention is given to the justification of highlighting within the philosophy of law of such section as metaphilosophy of law, oriented towards the reflexive study of the theoretical nature of such knowledge and carrying the worldview and practical importance. The article presents a thorough analysis of the interdisciplinary character of the philosophical legal knowledge, and the criteria of its distinction from the philosophical knowledge itself and the legal knowledge. The nature of the philosophical legal knowledge is revealed in the context of specificity of the socio-humanitarian knowledge and cognition. The author’s main contribution consists in the further advancement of the ideas on the philosophy of law as universal level of theoretical legal knowledge. The scientific novelty lies in the demonstration of necessity of the philosophical legal knowledge under the conditions of current changes within law, human life and society in the context of globalization. The author expresses an idea that the factor of determination of the researched knowledge is the spiritual peculiarities of the national legal systems and cultures.


Pluralism, Philosophy, Theory of law, Concept of law, Society, Legal culture, Socio-humanitarian sciences, Theory, Globalization, Philosophy of law

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