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Philosophy and Culture

Demenev D.N. On the logic of color in painting: ontological, gnoseological, and axiological aspects

Abstract: Thus article represents the experience of philosophical heritage, the goal of which is the multilevel comprehensive research of the color harmony. The main question reviewed in this work is the logic of color in art of painting from the ontological, gnoseological, and axiological aspects. The author begins with the examination of the general notions, such as structure, hierarchy, and order; and later, shifts towards the narrow-profile questions associated with color harmony and logic of color in painting, as well as explains the necessity of presence of the three of its main aspects. During the course of this research, the author comes to the following results: The ontological aspect of the logic of color is predominantly observed in the triune system that includes the three-component theory, the emerging from the latter principle of color balance,  which is in turn based on the three main colors: blue, red, and yellow; The gnoseological aspect of the logic of color consists mainly in the contextuality of the author’s concept, in the idea of its composition. The author concludes that in the creative process pertaining to the work with color, everything has importance: shape of a spot, its size and texture, intervals, background, etc., because the logic of structuring of the color harmony directly depends on the idea of composition, and the conceptual value of the substratum.  


structure, logic, axiological aspect, gnoseological aspect, ontological aspect, art, painting, color, order, harmony

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