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The union of criminalists and criminologists

Bogomolova K.I. On the issue of the immigrant criminality notion 

Abstract: The research subject is the range of provisions of the current international, federal and regional legislation, statistical data about the criminal situation connected with immigrant criminality, the materials of judicial and investigation practice, the data acquired during questioning of criminal foreigners and experts, and other empirical materials which help to ascertain criminological peculiarities of the personality of a criminal foreigner and a victim foreigner; to reveal the factors determining the committing of crimes by foreigners and against them; to develop the measures of these crimes prevention. The research methodology is based on the modern achievements in epistemology, developed by the legal science and tested by the practice. The study has a multidisciplinary character, thus determining the use of particular methods of immigrant criminality studying. The research methodology includes the dialectical method, used for the development of the conceptual framework and the key terms, and the general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, the system approach, and the logical methods of induction and deduction. The legal character of the study determines the use of the technical and the comparative-legal methods. The author also applies the methods of criminology – questioning of criminal foreigners, expert survey of the officials of law-enforcement bodies, criminal cases study, and the analysis of criminal statistics. The scientific novelty of the research is determined by the developed theoretical and criminological model of immigrant criminality, which helps to define the condition, the dynamics, the tendencies and the criminological factors of this type of criminality, and to develop the general measures of prevention. The author considers the victimological aspect of this problem and suggests the ways to improve the measures of victimological prevention of immigrant criminality. 


notion, national, immigrant criminality, criminology, victimology, stateless persons, stateless persons, foreign citizens, foreigners, criminality

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