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The union of criminalists and criminologists

Kim V.V. Criminological characteristic of criminality of the convicted patients of penitentiary tuberculosis dispensaries

Abstract: The research object is the range of social relations emerging in the process of committing crimes by the convicted TBC patients. The research subject is criminological characteristic of crimes committed by the convicted TBC patients. The author considers the general condition of penitentiary criminality of the convicted TBC patients and classifies them. The author reveals the peculiarities of post-penitentiary recidivism of this category of the convicted. The research methodology is based on the modern achievements in epistemology reflecting the correlation of theory and practice. The author applies the statistical method, including the collection and analysis of statistical data about socially dangerous acts and crimes committed by the consumptives; expert assessments, which are based on the officials of law enforcement agencies interviewing. The topic under discussion hasn’t been considered in a monographic study so far. The author offers criminological characteristic of crimes committed by the convicted TBC patients. The characteristic includes information on their condition and tendencies. The author explains the criminogenic role of tuberculosis spreading and its negative impact on the crime rate in penitentiary facilities. The author proves the reasonability of separate keeping of the consumptives taking into account the reformation of the penitentiary system. 


penitentiary facility, penitentiary criminality, disease, service of sentence, confinement, prison, sickness rate, tuberculosis, convicted, criminality

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