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The union of criminalists and criminologists

Goncharova M.V. Problems of formation of crimes prevention system in Russia

Abstract: The author analyzes the criminological concepts of crime prevention, assesses the contemporary condition of crime prevention, and reveals the problems and shortcomings of this process in Russia. The peculiarity of the subject study lies in the study of the concept of impact on the reasons of crimes and its further fixation. Criminal behavior abandoning can be caused not only by the decision of the person, but also by the preventive social and special criminological impact. The research methodology includes the comparative, system, analytical, structural-functional, prognostic methods, content-analysis, and modeling. The peculiarity of the approach lies in the conceptual study of the crimes prevention system. In the special criminological meaning the preventive impact is aimed at criminal behavior abandoning by persons who have committed first or second offences. The support for the former convicts after release on the post-penitentiary stage using the control means and the instruments of social adaptation will help to fix the results of corrective treatment. 


concept, criminality, realization, formation, criminal sanctions, reformed, struggle, measures, prevention, system

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