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The union of criminalists and criminologists

Konovalova I.A. Juvenile delinquency prevention as the state policy objective

Abstract: Acquisitive and acquisitive-violent crimes, committed using a theft, robbery, or robbery with violence, make up two thirds of juvenile delinquencies. From the point of view of criminological assessment, it is important to answer the question about the real situation with the motivational correlation of violent and acquisitive crimes of juveniles and the changes which had happened to their structure. To define this correlation more clearly criminologists often group all statistical and other quantitative crime indicators in three groups: according to violent, acquisitive, and violent-acquisitive crimes. To achieve the scientific objectives the author applies general scientific and specific research methods: analysis, synthesis, the structural-logic method, statistical and other methods of scientific cognition. Juvenile delinquency prevention can be divided into the early direct pre-crime behavior prevention and the recidivism prevention. On each stage it is important to develop and implement the set of targeted measures of influence on the juvenile, as far as it will determine the further development of the situation with juvenile delinquency in Russia. 


transformation, characteristic, notion, doctrine, Criminology, activity, system, strategy, phenomenon, condition

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