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The union of criminalists and criminologists

Baranchikova M.V. Legislation improvement as a way to prevent road traffic crimes

Abstract: The idea of the priority role of prevention dictates the necessity to improve legislative activities aimed at traffic safety provision, and oblige the legislator to apply preventive measures in this sphere. Nowadays one in three traffic accidents is a crime, and their number has increased by 15 percent in the last 10 years. Such an increase of the number of road traffic crimes and the gravity of their consequences is in many aspects the result of the insufficient legislation in the sphere of traffic safety provision, and requires the improvement of road traffic safety. The effectiveness of prevention of the violation of the road laws and vehicles exploitation depends on the capacity to use legislative provisions in the sphere of road traffic safety. Legal measures connected with the improvement of criminal legislation and other statutory instruments, being the main direction of general measures of vehicles exploitation, should become a socially determined measures of road traffic safety provision. Together with an unavoidable and just punishment of the guilty of crimes in this sphere, prevention of crimes in this field of social safety is an advance, promising and efficient way to reduce the number of traffic accidents.  


traffic, accident, criminality, rules, punishment, exploitation, sanction, prophylaxis, road traffic safety, prevention

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