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Psychology and Psychotechnics
Kirsanov A.Yu. (2016). Mikhail Bakhtin's Rabelaisian Chrotnotope. Existential analysis of Space-and-Time of Human World. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 138–145.
Kirsanov A.Yu. Mikhail Bakhtin's Rabelaisian Chrotnotope. Existential analysis of Space-and-Time of Human WorldAbstract: The article is devoted to the philosophical and psychological rethinking of the space-and-time problem from the point of view of its artistic accentuation in Rabelaisian chronotope studied by Mikhail Bakhtin, the relationship between chronotope integrity and event temporality of true life involved into the emotional-value sphere, artistic reflection of continuous and incomplete existence as well as the search for aspects of the aforesaid problem that can be found in the artistic description and categories of existential analysis (Dasein). Special attention is paid to the role of continuous development of human existence in the process of development of the feeling of integral Self and overcoming of mechanistic rationality. The author of the article analyzes peculiarities of the artistic representation of chronotope based on the example of Rabelais' novel and three-level structure of temporality in existential analysis, draws an analogy between representation of chonotope in the artistic perception of an author and the Mitwelt, Unwelt, Eigenwelt worlds of existential analysis, and makes a conclusion about common ways to break the circularity of the confined world of frozen reality. In his research Kirsanov emphasizes the emotional-value grounds of true life and gives a new presentation of the chronotope category and life essence as the continuously renewing and developing existence as well as anxiety as a result of the prevailing casual perception of life Events without taking into account ambivalency and complete experience. The author also makes a conclusion about a peculiar role and value of the moment, event and responsibility and emotional relations and values for living a full life and having a future. Keywords: space-and-time, chronotope, Mitwelt, Umwelt, Eigenwelt, anxiety, event, Dasein, psychology, emotional-value relations, future, philosophy
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