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National Security

Tumbinskaya M.V. Modeling of information security in information systems Internet banking

Abstract: The study of this paper is devoted to information security of modern systems of Internet banking. The author examines the efficiency and quality of management decision-making for the protection of confidential information in the course of implementation of malicious attacks. Particular attention is paid to mathematical modeling. The proposed model will minimize the number of cybercriminals, optimize and improve the comprehensive system of information security organizations of economic and social development, improve the efficiency of secure information systems Internet banking, choose the right strategy for the development of Internet banking services. The study used methods of system analysis, mathematical modeling, analytic hierarchy process, optimization theory, probability and mathematical statistics. A generalized block diagram of an information system of Internet banking, systemic model of information system Internet banking, which will assess the level of security of the system, determined by solving the problem of decision support in poorly structured domain, characterized by heterogeneous characteristics. Proposed a set-theoretic model of decision support in Information Security Management Information Systems Internet banking, allowing accumulate analytical information about ongoing threats cybercriminals provide automated support for decisions on matters of neutralization cybercriminals, measures to ensure the protection of confidential information, facilitate the development of operating influences. Formalization of the model is represented by cybercriminals, characterized by personal parameters offender and scenarios for the theft of confidential information in the information system of Internet banking.


optimization, modeling, decision support, cybercriminals, Internet banking, information system, information security, threats and attacks, efficiency, control actions

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