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Taxes and Taxation
Efremova T.A. (2016). Risk-Oriented Approach to Control and Analytical Work of Tax Authorities: Current Status and Development Prospects. Taxes and Taxation, 5, 409–415.
Efremova T.A. Risk-Oriented Approach to Control and Analytical Work of Tax Authorities: Current Status and Development ProspectsAbstract: Modern financial and economic situation in the country indicates that the prospects for further reductions in tax revenues and, consequently, budget revenues are becoming more real. Under these circumstances tax risks, risk factors and risk minimization should be the priorities. The author of the article examines tax risks from the perspective of the state, i.e. as potential financial losses due to the shortfall in tax revenues into the budgets of the respective levels of the budget system. The author of the article emphazises the need to monitor tax risks when planning tax revenues and to manage these tax risks in order to minimize their impact. The researcher has also analyzed control activities conducted by the tax authorities of the Republic of Mordovia, in particular, efficiency of field tax audits, and investigated the most common options and schemes of tax evasion that increase tax risks. The author offers her own method for detecting, identifying and minimizing the negative impact of risks on the level of tax revenues into the budgetary system of the country. The author's method consists of the following four successive stages: 1) identification of tax risks; 2) assessment of tax risks; 3) making management decisions; 4) monitoring the implementation of management decisions. Keywords: risk, tax, tax inspection, tax abuse, additional charge, identification, risk assessment, risk factors, risk minimization, risk management
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