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Philosophy and Culture

Demenev D.N. About a taste problem in art

Abstract: The main subject of this research are taste judgments in the visual arts. Several centuries ago, German philosopher Immanuel Kant formulated his famous antinomy of taste. According to the author they remain relevant to this day. Contradictions between the public and professional and artistic (personal) preferences, the author examines how the struggle between two authoritarian systems: from the perspective of a viewer (customer) and from the perspective of the Author. The author of this study believes that it is absolutely free from any conditions the artist was at the dawn of the art in primitive society. Removing the taste of the contradictions in contemporary artistic practice, in the opinion of the author of the study, through an "action conventions". Methodological base of research is the method of the structurally functional analysis; dialectical method; a method of intellectual speculation, as well as General scientific (General logical) methods: analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, analogy. The study's author comes to the following conclusions:1. The great assumption of I. Kant about the social background of the antinomies, remains relevant today.2. A century later, from early modernist experiments, in the synthesis of the aforementioned constructs, the modern visual art comes to the measure of conditionality. The concept of "measure of conditionality" is a a so-called aurea mediocritas (Latin) – the "Golden mean" and gives a key to the synthesis of these and other opposites.


Reasoning, Contradiction, Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis, Art, Authoritativeness, Measure of conditionality, Painter, Taste

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