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Philosophy and Culture
Shcherbakova A.I. (2016). Homo Faber – the creating human: artist and his message to the world. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 408–416.
Shcherbakova A.I. Homo Faber – the creating human: artist and his message to the worldAbstract: Any research in the cultural field unchangeably turns to human – its creature and creator, who throughout centuries was establishing a structure of world culture. The constant relevance of such researches is substantiated by the fact that the essence of Homo Faber – the Creating Human is responsible for the achievements of humanity in culture, science, technologies, as well as for the blood shedding wars that took millions of lives. It is quite evident that the future of humanity always remains a topic of intense discussions, which are marked by the clashes of optimistic and pessimistic scenarios of its further development. A theoretical substantiation of the social role of an artist in the further formation of culture, arouses a significant interest. Scientific novelty consists in the determination of a number of relevant problems, which represent pressure points characteristic to a contemporary stage of cultural development, and in solution of which the society plays an essential role. The main conclusion is the message of the artist to the world – the process of creating artistic-aesthetic channels of spiritual communication, which allow involving its audience into an active intercultural dialogue that is based on the aesthetics of thinking, reflecting a creative essence of human. This explains the social mission of the artist that encourages realization of the optimistic scenarios of the further development of culture. Keywords: Art, Culture, Music, Musician, Creative work, Artist, Spiritual communication, Artistic-aesthetic values, Aesthetics of thinking, Aesthetics of feelings
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