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Philosophy and Culture
Shilovskaya N.S. (2016). Modality of humanism: from current to possible. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 376–384.
Shilovskaya N.S. Modality of humanism: from current to possibleAbstract: The author distinguishes two philosophical traditions in understanding of modality – gnoseological (I. Kant) and ontological (Aristotle, Hegel). Following the ontological vector of interpretation of modality, humanism is being analyzed through the prism of this category. In the field of discussion are the following questions: necessity of the humanistic outlook; transhumanism as a possibility of humanism, which derives from its circumstances; turn of humanism towards the realities of humanity, human, and reality, which allows humanism to avoid subjectivity in understanding of a human, and as a result of misperception or lie. The conclusion is made that the subjectivity of a human is essential of human’s essence, as well as of the conceptual core of humanism; transhumanism as a potential possible of humanism manifests as a misstatement of the latter; regular possible in human essence, which should be considered and reflected by complete humanism, is two sided of a human – ideal- beautiful and unattractive hidden. curr Keywords: Human, Being, Subject, Humanism, Transhumanism, Modality, Essential, Possible, Accidental, Current
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