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Police activity

Teryukov E.O. Features of the application of provisional measures in the production of administrative cases in the construction industry, involving the imposition of punishment in the form of administrative stay of activity

Abstract: Administrative suspension of activity is an effective preventive measure that encourages participants of social relations in their rights and legitimate interests realization to act in a full compliance with the language of law. Administrative offences in the field of construction are quite often punished by administrative suspension of activity. Since suspension of activities in certain cases is preventive in its nature, and therefore can't be qualified as an administrative punishment, it is necessary to consider the conditions, peculiarities and the procedure of imposition of administrative suspension of activity for the offences in the sphere of construction. Such offences, according to the general rule, are considered according to the standard legislative requirements related to the procedure. In order to prevent an administrative offence, identify the offender, draw up a protocol or conduct a trial, provisional measures can be used. Provisional measures as procedural actions, performed by the authorized persons, are actively used when considering administrative offences in the sphere of construction. Provisional measures are targeted, but at the same time they don’t allow for restriction of rights and freedoms of the person and invasion of privacy. The author of the study pays attention to the particular provisional measures used by the authorized agencies in the case of the committed offence, reveals the problems and difficulties of administrative proceedings in the sphere of construction. 


provisional measures, suspensive veto, administrative suspension of activity, offence, proceedings, authorized agencies, protocol, administrative punishment, construction, administrative coercion

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