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Serebruev I.V. Repeatedness of illegal use of means of identification as its constructive feature: problem of polysemy and the ways of its eradication

Abstract: Counterfeit goods production and selling increases annually, becoming organized and transnational, it threats economic security of the Russian Federation. The responsibility for illegal use of means of identification is provided by civil, administrative and criminal legislation. Obviously, the leading role in struggle against legislation violations is played by criminal law. At the same time, the criminal legal provision, imposing liability for illegal use of means of identification of goods and services (article 180 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), can hardly be called effective. In the author’s opinion, its poor effectiveness is conditioned by the complexity of interpretation of the constituent features. The study is devoted to the repeatedness of the crime under consideration, which is one of the most uncertain and important features of the objective aspect of this crime. The research methodology is based on general scientific methods of cognition including analysis, synthesis and the formal-logical method, and special methods including technical and dogmatic, and the instruments of legal hermeneutics. Repeatedness has a constituent meaning for the objective aspect of the crime, specified by the article 180 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, but its interpretation causes discussions among scientists and practicing lawyers. It’s not surprising, given that the repeatedness feature can be understood in different ways within the criminal law theory and investigation and judicial practice, and the prosecution of the accused depends on determining the fact of this feature. The article presents different understandings of the repeatedness feature, and provides for the author’s interpretation of this notion. 


means of identification, trade mark, criminal law, crime, composition of crime, objective aspect, repeatedness, interpretation of law, intellectual property, unethical competition

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