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Administrative and municipal law
Polukarov A.V. (2016). Corruption crimes in health care. Administrative and municipal law, 5, 467–473.
Polukarov A.V. Corruption crimes in health careAbstract: Corruption in health care is not limited to damaging legal activities of public authorities, local authorities, state and municipal organizations, state corporations, Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops and military units of the Russian Federation, but influences directly the condition of observance of citizens’ rights for health protection and finally the preservation of life. The problem of corruption crimes in health care hasn’t been sufficiently covered in the scientific works. The research object of this paper is the range of social relations protecting legal activities in health care. The author considers the corruption crimes statistics, studies the examples of judicial and investigatory practice. The author forms the list of corruption crimes in health care. The obtained results are compared with the empirical data of studies of other scholars in the related subjects. The author uses the set of general scientific and special methods of cognition. The author ascertains the fact that neither the existing legislation nor law enforcement practice can effectively resist corruption so far, particularly in health care. Therefore it is necessary to continue studying the problems of corruption crimes qualification in the social sphere, including health care, and the reasons and conditions furthering them. Keywords: medical services, public agencies, subject of crime, object of crime, criminal liability, officials, struggle against corruption, health care, crime, corruption
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