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Administrative and municipal law

Amelin R.V. On the legal status of users of government information systems

Abstract: The article deals with the legal status of users of government information systems as one of the main elements of the legal regime of such systems. The author analyzes the normative legal base regulating the relations concerning the information systems created on the basis of Federal laws with the aim of identifying "the best practices" and developing an optimal model of legal regulation. The author analyzes the gaps and inconsistencies in the current regulatory framework. The author applies general scientific and special methods including the dialectical method, the methods of formal logic, and the comparative method. The study proves that information in government information systems is a type of information about the activities of state bodies. This information is public a priori. The author shows the importance of formalizing the reasons for restricting the access to information in government information systems, and the importance of their compliance with the information kept in the register of Federal information systems. The author comes to the conclusion that the categories of users having access to confidential information, the composition of the provided information, the purpose of its use, and the method of access should be contained in statutory acts. 


privacy, e-government, information systems register, public information, restricted access information, access to information, public authorities, information user, legal regime, government information systems

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