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Administrative and municipal law

Kamilov M.A. Stages of administrative and legal regulation of public events

Abstract: The research subject is historical development of the institution of public events and its identification as a form of mass events. The research object includes the statutory instruments of the Russian state regulating public events management. The author considers the historical period before the first Russian revolution, the period when the mass events understanding had formed. Special attention is paid to the criteria of differentiation of particular stages of administrative and legal regulation of public events. The author adduces two various classifications of stages depending on the criteria. The author applies general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, logical, system-structural and comparative methods, and the methods of legal science. The author concludes that the right to organize public events has been developing gradually and evenly. The author describes differentiation of two types of classification of stages of public events administrative-legal regulation, which hasn’t been carried out so far. 


participation, public events carrying out, public events organization, formation, mass crimes, administrative and legal regulation, stages, historical development, public events, mass events

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