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Administrative and municipal law

Safonenkov P.N. The system of administrative coercion principles

Abstract: The research subject is the set of legal rules and scientific sources characterizing the principles of application of administrative coercion by competent agencies of public authority. The research object is the range of legal relations emerging in the process of application of administrative coercion by authorized persons. The author analyzes statutory instruments and scientific literature and briefly describes the principles which are or should be applied when using administrative coercion measures by public agencies in a rule-of-law state. The author pays attention to the system of such principles. The research methodology comprises the set of general scientific and special research methods (technical, analytical, logical, et.). The author concludes that the principles of administrative coercion include the general principles of administrative law, the principles of administrative process and administrative liability, and the special principles of imposition and application of measures of administrative coercion. In the author’s opinion, the implementation of some principles can cause particular problems. 


principles, administrative procedure, administrative liability, legality, equality, objectivity, proportionality, application, imposition, administrative coercion

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