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Pedagogy and education

Murzina I.Ya. Open Education as a Cultural Phenomenon

Abstract: In her article Murzina discusses the phenomenon of open education as a projection of the model of open society. The key concept of "freedom" is revealed as the freedom of choice of educational strategies and content of education. Prospects of education development are associated with new directions attributable to the globalized culture of the information society. These directions include transformation of the educational process, interactivity, adaptability to the qualification level of learners, and e-learning. One of the phenomena of globalization in education is the MOOC (massive open online courses) and a new quality of open universities. The author of the article discusses development of open education based on the example of the open pedagogical university. The author applies the methodology of discursive analysis that reveals the relationship between language concepts and sociocultural environment. The author relies on simulation methods and analysis of educational systems. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author discusses the phenomenon of open education as a cultural phenomenon of the information society, defines vectors, prospects and risks of open education. The author of the article outlines the prospects of education: high technology, changing nature of communication (teacher–student, students–parents, school–society, business-education), new directions for continuing education and implementation of the idea of lifelong education. 


prospects of education development, Education 2030, foresight, massive open online courses, open university, information society, open education, open society, e-learning

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