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Taxes and Taxation

Lukashova I.V. Principles of Taxation of Residential Property

Abstract: The object of the present research is the taxation of residential property. The subject of the research is the principles of taxation. The author of the article examines the principles of real property taxation according to the world theory and practice and then applies these principles to taxation of residential property critically re-evaluating each of them. The researcher underlines that the status of residential property illustrated by the purpose of use, high significance and social sensibility thereof sets requirements for the aforesaid principles which are not identical to the general principles of taxation. The methodology of the research is based on the analysis of the theoretical works written by contemporary scientists who study the issues of property taxation as well as effective legislative documents regulating taxation of residential property in post-Soviet countries and generalization and systematization of data. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author describes and systematizes the pricniples taxation of residential property should be based on as a complex and socially important phenomenon. The author's special contribution to the topic is the substantiation of the limited scope of application of the elements of market pricing when calculating taxable price of a piece of residential property and assessing the need to provide tax benefits not only for pieces of residential property but also to owners with special social status. 


principles of taxation, residential property, mass assessment, market value, modeling taxes, price factors, tax benefits, social sensibility, variable tax rate, tax progressivity

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