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Taxes and Taxation
Maslova I.N., Ulez'ko O.V. (2016). Assessment of Efficiency of Special Tax Regimes in the Voronezh Region. Taxes and Taxation, 4, 342–350.
Maslova I.N., Ulez'ko O.V. Assessment of Efficiency of Special Tax Regimes in the Voronezh RegionAbstract: The subject (and the object) of the research is the efficiency of application of special tax regimes. The author of the article examines such aspects of the topic as assessing efficiency of special tax regimes which is an important element of the monitoring of tax benefits and a current priority. Considering that revenues from special tax regimes come to the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation constituents, analysis of their efficiency should be carried out at the federal level in order to evaluate the regulative and fiscal functions of tax regimes. Special attention is paid to analysis of the fiscal and incentive function special tax regimes based on the example of the Voronezh Region. Using econometric methods, the authors of the article analyze dynamics of revenues from special tax regimes, number of taxpayers and tax base when applying special tax regimes at the regional level based on the example of the consolidated budget of the Voronezh Region. The research also provides the results of assessing efficiency of special tax regimes in the Russian Federation and Voronezh Region according to the final data of tax revenues over the period since 2012 till 2014. The authors conclude that there is a need to improve indicators of efficiency of special tax regimes. In this regard, the authors suggest to include such indicators as the number of employees and gross product according to current prices into Forms 5-ESKH (Single Agricultural Tax), 5-USN (Simplified Tax System) and 1-NM ('On Calculation and Receipt of Taxes, Levies and Other Mandatory Payments into the Budget System of the Russian Federation). In addition, the authors emphasize the need to develop the system of the indicators of statistical tax accounts in according with established efficiency indicators for special tax regimes that would reflect compensative and drop-out tax revenues. Keywords: tax base, tax payments, gross domestic product, taxes, special tax regimes, Voronezh Region, fiscal function of tax, taxation of small business, small business, tax administration
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