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Conflict Studies / nota bene

Vedernikova M.I. Objective and subjective factors of Europe's perception of Russia

Abstract: The article analyzes international conditions that influence the image of Russia, and sheds light on the psychological mechanisms of its perception in the EU. Attention is focused on the analysis of objective and subjective factors of constructive and negative perception of Russia and its leader. The author examines status conflicts, as well as the methods and tools for purposeful misrepresentation of Russia's image in Europe. Aside this, the author provides examples of studies of Russia's image by European scientists. The author focuses attention on the influence of the image of a political leader in the formation of the image of a state. The methodological basis of this study includes analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation. Aside from that, the author employs the interdisciplinary approach. The novelty of this work is based on a detailed examination of the influence of psychological mechanisms on the perception of the image of a state on the background of globalization. The author reaches the conclusion that a negative image may be the result of not only objective factors, but subjectove factors, as well.


state image, image perception, status conflict, image, perception factors, European countries, perception of Russia, stereotypes, EU

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