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Conflict Studies / nota bene

Bocharnikov I.V. Modern trends in international terrorism development

Abstract: The article analyzes the main trends of the evolution of international terrorism in the modern world. The goal of this study is  international terrorism. The object of research is to determine the current trends of international terrorism and the forms and methods of counteracting them at the present stage. The subject of research are development trends, as well as forms and methods of combating international terrorism in the modern world. Based on the data presented in the "global ranking of terrorism 2015" developed by British analysts, as well as the analysis of other terrorist acts that are not included in the rating, the author determines the dynamics of the growth of terrorism in the present and in the near future. The methodological basis of this study includes the systemic, structural-functional, comparative-political approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation. The increase in the number of terrorist attacks and their scale largely contributes to the tendency of the development of terrorism. For example, the transition from the implementation of the individual terrorist acts to large-scale acts; dramatic change in the violent, intimidating means employed by terrorists; the use of advanced information technologies by terrorist groups; coordination between the various terrorist groups; the desire for legitimation of terrorism, terrorist organizations by positioning as a state-organized bodies. Such trends contribute to the transformation of international terrorism to the global problems of modern global political processes.


political system, Russia, world politics, U.S.foreign policies, internatpional relations, diplomacy, interests, state, security, risks

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