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Conflict Studies / nota bene

Manoylo A.V. Models of "soft power" in network terrorist organizations (on the examples of the "Islamic State", Al-Qaeda, Taliban and the "Muslim Brotherhood")

Abstract: This article is dedicated to comparative political analysis of the models "soft power" employed by network of terrorist organizations, banned in Russian Federation - "The Islamic State", Al-Qaeda, the Taliban and the "Muslim Brotherhood". The object of the study is soft power. Subject of research are the forms, methods, models and technologies of soft power employed by terrorist organizations (on the example of the "Islamic state", Al-Qaeda, the Taliban and the "Muslim Brotherhood"). The author draws attention to the fact that, in their ideological and propaganda work, terrorists from various multinational organizations and groups use soft power in order to unite extremists, to involve new adepts in terrorist movements, and to conduct information warfare with their ideological opponents (the governments of various countries that fight international terrorism, as well as with their direct competitors, who are extremists, terrorists and Islamists). Soft power employed by terrorists does not take the same forms and employ the methods of US soft power that we know from the works of American neo-liberals (J. Nye, R. Keohane et al.). It has its own model in the form of a specific set of incarnations, each adapted to the ideology specific international terrorist groups. The "Islamic State, the Taliban, Al-Qaeda each have their own model. In case of the "Muslim Brotherhood", and these models are quite different from each other, even among different cells of the organization.


diplomacy, international relations, global instability, world politics, global information space, political system, interests, state, security, color revolutions

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