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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Golovanova T.N. Peculiarities of Developing Preschool Children's Sensual Understanding of the World

Abstract: This article analyses the problem of interaction of generations and socialization of children in the process of formation of sensual and language worldview for preschool children. The objective of this research is to study particularities of sensory development of children in preschool institutions. The hypothesis of this research is as follows: the process of increasing the level of visual, acoustical and tactile perception of preschool children irrespective of gender is performed more effectively using visual, tactile and what is more important sound elements in games and communication with adults. For data collection techniques on identification of color perception, a level of development of visual tactile perception, and acoustical perception were used. For studying the influence of didactic games on sensory development, the formative experiment has been made. Interpretation of results was carried out both qualitatively and quantitatively, with application of methods of mathematical statistics. The analysis of data obtained in control and experimental groups allowed to specify diferencess in the levels of tactile, acoustical and visual perception using specially developed games. Significant (p≤0,01) changes in such parameters as: differentiation of color, figure’s identification from the background, level of tactile perception and figures’ identification, acoustical perception and distinction of sounds, level of visual perception were found. Thus, the conducted research showed that in the experimental group of subjects of the educational process application of didactic games really raises the level of perception development that can promote further harmonious training and education and formation of the complete creatively developed identity of a child. 


harmonious development, developing environment, sensory training, linguistic worldview, sensual knowledge, level of perception, early years, sensory development, intergenerational communication, play activity

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