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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Lyashenko V.V. Experience and its Qualitative Certainty

Abstract: The article deals with the essence of the experience in terms of its qualitative certainty. The 'Method of qualitative structures' (MQS) is applied to describe this phenomenon. The novelty of the research is that for the first time experience is considered not as a narrowly specific psychological phenomenon but as an integral phenomenon with its specific qualitative definiteness. The result of the research is the description of the four aspects immanently characteristic of experience: selfdefining, relationship, state of mind and activity. It is shown that experience is created as the combination of aspects which does not exist beyond any aspect. Experience is considered as a whole unity. On the basis of this description experience is defined by the author as a natural internal activity being performed with the accordance of the social relationship on the basis of filings and is expressed in activity itself. The article is written for psychologists and psychotherapists. The proposed approach gives an opportunity to make a precise definition of 'experience'.


emotional state, relations, self-determination, whole, qualitative certainty, emotional experience, activity, presence, choice, meaning

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