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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Kalabekova S.V. Social Illusions of the Consumer Society

Abstract: The object under research of the present article is the consumer society, the subject of the research is the nature of illusion as a social phenomenon. The author considers the issues of formation and implementation of illusions into collective conscience as a specific mechanism of social regulation and adaptation to conditions of modern society. The author describes consequences caused by social illusions for individual and collective consciousness. The special role of mass society, network structures and mass media in creation of space of illusions is underlined, risks of the distorted perception of the world for reality life are traced. The methodological basis of the research involves dialectical principles of objectivity, specificity and the need to interpret social illusion as an integral phenomenon. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author proposes a thesis about contradictory and controversial nature of social illusions as well as their dependence on requirements of consumerist ideologies. The results of the research allow to make the following conclusions: 1) the author proves that social illusions are in demand in the consumer society; 2) risks of social illusions especially need to be studied further. 


communication, manipulation, everyday life, consumer society, consumerism, irreality, confabulation, illusion, creativity, collective conscience

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