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Administrative and municipal law

Shamshutdinova A.R. The system of sources of administrative-legal regulation of cultural sphere

Abstract: The author considers the fundamental sources of public-legal regulation of the cultural sphere, which regulate the relations in the sphere of preservation and development of culture in the Russian Federation, establish legal, organizational, economic, and social grounds of activities in this sphere. Administrative-legal regulation of relations in the sphere of culture and art is based on the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and is realized by the national legislation including federal laws and other statutory instruments of the Russian Federation. The author attempts at covering all the range of sources of administrative-legal regulation of culture. The main research method is the method of analysis of the fundamental sources of administrative-legal regulation of culture which regulate the relations in the sphere of culture in the Russian Federation and establish the legal, organizational, economic and social grounds of activity in this sphere. The author touches upon all the recent changes of and amendments to the legislation related to the cultural sphere. The author analyzes the work of the Ministry of Culture and its tasks for 2015. The author detects the existing problems of this sphere and comes to the conclusion about the degree of implementation of these tasks, the ways of the normative-legal base improvement in the sphere of culture, and the prospects of its further development. 


culture, cultural policy, administrative-legal regulation, relations in the cultural sphere, legislation of the Russian Federation, sources of administrative-legal regulation, statutory instruments, Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, legal grounds, national priorities in tourism

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