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Administrative and municipal law
Pavlov P.V., Tkacheva L.V. (2016). Conceptual model of investment activities development in the Republic of Crimea on the base of a free economic zone. Administrative and municipal law, 4, 348–358.
Pavlov P.V., Tkacheva L.V. Conceptual model of investment activities development in the Republic of Crimea on the base of a free economic zoneAbstract: The research object of the set of relations connected with the development of investment activities in the Republic of Crimea. The research subject is the system of statutory instruments regulating the mechanism of establishment and application of investment activities development instruments provided by the restored free economic zone institution. The result of the study is the conceptual model of investment activities development in the Republic of Crimea with the help of the free economic zone. The model is a system description of an imitation form of public administration in the sphere of the free economic zone development on the territory of the Republic of Crimea. The main purpose of the Model establishment is the provision of a comprehensive integration of the region in the system of a single legal platform for a complex functioning of the free economic zone on its territory. The research methodology comprises the dialectical method and the related general and specific methods (the system and evolutional approaches, comparative-legal analysis, the method of modeling structural-logical and functional algorithms). The authors analyze the institutions of a special economic zone and a free economic zone, and propose the conceptual model of investment activities development in the Republic of Crimea. The proposed mechanisms of investment activities intensification can be used by the companies for output product increase, improvement of logistic sphere, and optimization of tax and customs payment flows. The implementation of the authors’ proposals about amending the statutory instruments of the Russian Federation will give the opportunity to use them in the work of the supervisory bodies thus simplifying the work of enterprises and making it more transparent, increasing the investors’ interest in their presence on the territory of the Republic of Crimea. Keywords: development of legislation, entrepreneurial regime, investment attractiveness, special economic zone, free economic zone, economic growth, preferential conditions, customs privilege, infrastructure, public administration
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